Billionaire and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates have argued that SpaceX owner Elon Musk's Mars project is a waste of money.

Gates gave this response in a recent BBC interview. He also said that Musk is not considered a 'great donor'.

When asked by the BBC whether Musk will join the club of wealthy donors, he said, "One-day Musk can be a great donor. But he doesn't seem to be spending his money on charity for the purpose of going to Mars."

He said that providing vaccines to people in need is more important than spending money to go to Mars.

“Going to Mars is very expensive. But someone's life can be saved by buying a measles vaccine that costs a thousand dollars,” he said. Earlier, Gates and Musk had differences.

When Gates talked about cooperation to solve climate change, Musk rejected the proposal saying that Tesla played the most role in solving climate change.

Musk wants to start a human civilization on Mars with his company SpaceX. Following his journey to this space, another billionaire Jeff Bezos has also joined by setting up 'Blue Origin'.